Free access & non-profit The Asian Legal Information Institute (AsianLII - is a non-profit and free access website for legal information from all 27 countries and territories in Asia located from Japan in the east to Pakistan in the west, and from Mongolia in the north to Timor Leste in the south. Access to AsianLII is free. AsianLII was launched for free public access on 8 December 2006 in Sydney. Launches in a number of Asian countries will take place, beginning with the Philippines in January 2007.
สงวนลิขสิทธิ์ © 2565 หอสมุดรัฐสภา
เลขที่ 1111 ถนนสามเสน แขวงถนนนครไชยศรี เขตดุสิต กรุงเทพฯ 10300
โทรศัพท์ : +66(0) 2242 5900 ต่อ 5714, 5715, 5721-22 โทรสาร : +66(0) 2242 5990
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