
Deutscher Bundestag Bibliothek, Germany

ชื่อรัฐสภา :
Deutscher Bundestag
ประเทศ :

The Bundestag Library began its work in 1949 with a stock of 1000 volumes taken over from the Parliamentary Council. Today, with over 1.5 million volumes, it has both an extensive collection of specialist literature and special collections. The Bundestag Library serves the Members of the Bundestag and the parliamentary groups. It also supports the committee secretariats and organisational units of the Bundestag administration by making available to them publications required on an everyday basis for their work. Additionally, it is used by former Members of the Bundestag, and current and former German Members of the European Parliament, along with staff of the federal and Land authorities located in Berlin, the diplomatic missions and German and foreign journalists.

Deutscher Bundestag Bibliothek
Platz der Republik 1 

Phone: +49(0)3022735177
Email: [email protected]

Chamber of Deputies Research Service, Italy

ชื่อรัฐสภา :
Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament
ประเทศ :

The Research Service of the Italian Chamber of Deputies provides information to Standing Committees and individual parliamentarians in order to support their legislative activity and other parliamentary functions: policy-setting, oversight and inquiry activities. In relation to the legislative function, the Research Service produces Research Papers -available on the Chamber of Deputies website - with impartial and balanced analyses regarding every bill examined by Standing Committees, with the aim of presenting their content and purposes, and evaluating their impact on legislation in force. It also implements the open data documentation platform called “Topics of Parliamentary Activity” (Temi dell’attività parlamentare), available online, providing timely, non-partisan, authoritative and concise information on issues debated in Parliament. Research Service’s Officials attend sittings of each Standing Committee in order to support the rapporteur appointed by the Committee for each bill. Occasionally, they also provide fact sheets and briefings, upon request, to Chairmen of all Standing and Special Committees and other Members of Parliament.

Chamber of Deputies Research Service
Piazza del Parlamento, 24 -Rome-00186
Phone: +390667601
Email: [email protected]


Bibliothèque de l'Assemblée nationale du Québec, Canada

ชื่อรัฐสภา :
Assemblée nationale du Québec
ประเทศ :

La Bibliothèque de l’Assemblée nationale répond aux besoins documentaires et de recherche des parlementaires et du personnel administratif de l’Assemblée en fournissant de l’information et des analyses fiables et impartiales. Pour ce faire, elle met à leur disposition des services de référence, de recherche, de gestion documentaire et d’archives.

Bibliothèque de l'Assemblée nationale du Québec
Édifice Pamphile-Le May
1035, rue des Parlementaires G1A 1A3
Phone: 1 418 643-4408
Email: [email protected]

Biblioteca do Senado Federal, Brazil

ชื่อรัฐสภา :
Senado Federal
ประเทศ :

The Senate Library was created on May 18, 1826, by a committee established to prepare the first catalogue of books and journals own by the “Senate Bookstore”, on the initiative of Senator Viscount of Cairú. Nowadays, the Senate Library is responsible for a cooperative network of 12 specialized libraries, a Digital Library with 280 thousand documents, maintain a Controlled Vocabulary and Authority Name Headings, offers access to several international renowned Databases and provides various products and services to Senators and Senate staff. Our team is formed by libraries specialized in Law, Knowledge Management, Legislative Communication and other related areas.

Biblioteca do Senado Federal
Praça dos Três Poderes, Palácio do Congresso
Senado Federal, anexo 2 70165-900
Phone: +55 61 33031267
Email: [email protected]

หอสมุดรัฐสภา ประเทศออสเตรเลีย

ประเทศ :

The Parliamentary Library is part of the Department of Parliamentary Services and provides services to senators, members, their staff, the staff of parliamentary departments and the Governor-General. The first library services were delivered to federal parliament in 1901 and continue to provide significant support to parliament and the democratic process.

หอสมุดรัฐสภา ประเทศอินเดีย

ประเทศ :

The Parliament Library of India, one of the richest repositories of books in India, was established in the year 1921 to assist members of the Indian Legislature. This is the largest library in Delhi and second largest library in India after the National Library.

The Parliament Library of India
Shri. Sunil Kesari, Director of the Library
Phone: 23034017, 23035497
E-mail: [email protected]
URL: http://parliamentlibraryindia.nic.in/

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